Saturday, October 30, 2010


I realized today that my college experience seems to be filled with receiving large amounts of free stuff on a weekly basis. I already knew that it was mostly filled with free food and fliers but I was really excited when Schick was giving away free razors today. It makes me wonder how horrible something free has to be before I refuse to take it, sure it's easy to refuse things like fliers but how can you possibly refuse a free shirt.

"....and the bloodstains are practically all gone."
Now that I think about it I have a really low standard at which I take free things. I actually took a free t-shirt from the Denny's grand opening on campus not too long ago just because it was a free shirt. After I took the shirt I thought about how I would never wear it because I don't want people to think I work at Denny's. It's probably just gonna sit in my closet on a hanger waiting for a day where it can be worn, which is most likely never. There may be an odd instance where I'm gonna need clothes for painting or something and I'll have a shirt for it. Hell, I could even wear it on Halloween and be a Denny's worker, that's pretty scary.
It's almost the ghost of a person
It makes me wonder where I would draw the line of things that I would take for free, I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't take a free sample of any type of fully organic food, because I just find that stuff gross. But I say that now, and on Monday I can see them giving out like organic health bars in the union and if I'm hungry I may take a whole handful.
"What about the orphans?"
It seems that my willingness to accept something that is handed to me is based on how desperate I am in getting something free that day or if I'm really hungry. However, I think that if I were handed something a bit more dangerous than some free organic food bars then I may have another opinion on the matter all together. What if someone were to start giving out dangerous animals one day, I would most definitely accept them if they were in a cage.
And only 2 left, what are the odds
But if the dangerous animals were just released onto to campus and you had to cage them yourself then there's no way in hell I would take them, even though they're free.
They just want to give you free hugs
My limit for taking something that's free seems to all depend on how dangerous something is, and how out of the way it would be for me to get it. Free dangerous animals would be awesome if they were all in cages, because then they're not really dangerous. As soon as the animals are just let loose then I have to do too much work to get one and they're really not free anymore.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Strange Things

This past week has been pretty busy but incredibly awesome at the same, and now I'm back with a little bit of free time and ready to post something new. I've been walking around campus a lot lately and I've noticed that the sidewalks can get really awkward really fast. What I'm talking about is how you encounter someone on a sidewalk that just happens to be walking on the same side as you, prepare for the situation to get weird.
 So you think, "Ok I'll just move to the other side of the sidewalk so I can go around". But little do you know, the person walking towards you is thinking the exact same thing.
"I'm never getting to class on time"
The situation will quickly escalate from that point, and you'll both end up countering each others moves. Then when you finally run into one another, you just try and laugh it off but in reality you're crying on the inside. There was one girl that I encountered in this type of situation that had a sort of evil laugh after we couldn't figure out which way to go, like she planned. Right after we walked past each other I was thinking in my mind that she wanted me to look stupid so she was blocking my path on purpose and that's why she had an evil laugh. I've been trying to come up with a good way to stop this from happening again and I may have come up with something.

The most obvious solution is a shirt that directs anyone walking towards you to the right side of the sidewalk.
He has no pants. Get over it.
That solution however doesn't work if you encounter an illiterate on your journey, or a blind person for that matter, so you may just have to take advantage of the awkwardness and make it even more awkward. The best approach to increasing the awkwardness is to try and high five the person in the process of trying to avoid them.
High five for being awesome
The key to winning a sidewalk stare down means that you have to make the person walking towards you feel more uncomfortable then you feel. Attempting to give the person a high five definitely accomplishes this goal because most people aren't sure how to react when a stranger goes for a high five. But then what's even better is if right when they go to give you a high five, make it seem like you were waving to someone behind them then no matter if they go for the high five or not they end up in an extremely awkward position. Or you could be like that girl that I walked past that just started laughing all evil like at me as I walked past, because that planted a crazy psychological doubt in my mind about how I walk on a sidewalk.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

More to Come

It's been well over a week since my latest post and I just haven't had the time to make any new drawings. I wanted to ensure whoever reads this that I still plan on posting weekly but that this week was pretty busy, and I'm pretty sure I can expect next week to be the same way. Even if it is I'm going to try and come up with another post that hopefully will make some people laugh, others cry, and the last group of people laugh at people crying. I'm going to count this as an intermediate blog post where I really don't talk about anything but it let's people know I don't want this thing to die, so I'll leave you with a song that's been in my head since I saw the band in concert on Tuesday. It's a great song that sound even better when it was played live.

Another band that was there was The Lonely Forest and they have some pretty good stuff, I might as well link to one of their songs that I think is the best.

I hope you enjoy those while I work on something that has a little bit more to it in terms of actual talking points.