Saturday, November 20, 2010

Smells that Stay

It has come to my attention that it's been way too long since my last post and I need to do something to rectify that situation, so here I am. I think the thing that kinda makes me take a while in getting posts up is the drawing but that's the most fun part so I never wanted stop those. This week I kinda thought back to an idea I had a little while ago that I'm sure many people have encountered in various situations and that's the way people smell. Good or bad, you know the way people smell is gonna be interesting experience.

You're probably think what it was that made me think about the way people smell and it was a bad experience greater than any other I've had. I was sitting in Mythology one day and the class had started and no one else was around me because it was a Friday.
All the mythology is mine for the taking
But then the girl that normally sits next to me walks in and sits down. The smell that starts generating from her direction brought me back to the days of high school biology. She legitimately smelled like formaldehyde, and there was nothing that I could do about the situation because we have assigned seats.
What have I done
So I'm just kind of sitting there as she sits down and the smell just hits me in the face and I just start leaning slowly away from her. Since the guy that usually sits on the other side isn't next to me on the other side I take the opportunity to distance myself as much as possible from her.
Maximum lean angle has been reached
It worked for a while until the air would blow that smell my direction and then my concentration on the class was broken.

The whole situation made me wonder how bad someone can smell before I'm allowed to say something. Society says that it's wrong for me to tell the girl that smells extremely awful that she smells that way because it makes me seem rude, even though I'm just trying to save everyone else that might end up in that same situation. Maybe it's just because I see that girl a lot that I'm not really allowed to say she smells bad but I wonder if I were in an elevator with the same person just one time if I could say something.
In this dramatic reenactment, the part of the girl that smells like formaldehyde is played by hot dog guy.
Because in an elevator, I'm sure that I'm not the only person that is smelling the same thing, so it's just me speaking for the group at that point. It's also not like we asked to ride the elevator with someone that smelled bad, I think most of the blame falls back on that person.
He just wants to be loved
Going back to the girl in my myth class, I really wonder if she doesn't know that she smells that bad, because I was under the impression that everyone smelled the same thing. I didn't think that something that might smell really bad to one person could smell really good to someone else. I was pretty positive that perfume counters try not to sell people stuff that smells really awful, but maybe I'm wrong and they could just be selling bad smelling perfumes so you'll eventually have to cover them up with something that smells good. It's just a constant circle of horrible smells, possibly with a couple good ones in between.

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