Apparently the answer is yes, it is too much to ask. Like if I were to use CAPS LOCK and then have a period at the end of my sentence is that really yelling since I'm showing that I'm not exclaiming anything.PEOPLE NEED TO LEARN TO READ SENTENCES CORRECTLY?(that was an intentional question mark, so if you actually read back yelling in your head it'll sound like a question and you don't really hear people yelling when they're asking questions) Wait, now that I think about it, people do ask questions all the time when they're yelling but there's no going back now.
Everyone should know that yelling on the internet makes you look cool, CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. But I'm pretty sure yelling on a school paper would get you in trouble for yelling at your professor, although I have yet to try it. And now that is on the top of my list to do in the upcoming semester in my classes. SO YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY TRY AND USE CAPS LOCK AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE JUST FOR THE SMALL SENSE OF SATISFACTION THAT YOU'RE CAUSING AT LEAST ONE PERSON TO READ IT AS IF YOU'RE YELLING IN THEIR HEAD. And if you've made it this far looking at my ramblings, have a pretty suggestive video about some guy's johnson, YAY FOR VIDEOS . I can guarantee that song will be going thru your head for a while.
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