Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to School

Ok so I have a legitimate excuse this time for not having a blog post since last week. Going back to school has taken up a lot of my time, packing and getting all settled in has taken a little while but now that I'm all setup and maybe I'll be able to get back to blogging more often(I keep saying that but I have lingering doubts). Anyway, I just recently bought netflix since I'm not getting cable this semester and I can now stream shows and movies right to my computer. Before I bought netflix I started watching Arrested Development on hulu because I was bored and heard from somewhere(everywhere) that it was a great series, and then I got netflix and it was on there too(YAY FOR NO COMMERCIALS). So far the show is really awesome, I'm like 13 episodes into the first season and don't really see why it was canceled yet, but soon I may find out.

It's been tough trying to actually come up with something to blog about. I feel like I've had a sort of writing block for a couple weeks, just barely being able to come up with the above paragraph. But now that I'm back on campus I also get access to free movies which will allow me to review more movies like I've been wanting to do. And starting tomorrow I plan on going to see Greenberg and reviewing it either tomorrow or on Wednesday(depending on when I have some free time. So look for another post in the next couple of days that actually has a center of focus to it. The movies are going to be a couple months past the initial release date, but what the hell, they're free.

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