I completely understand not seeing a movie for like 2 years, maybe even 3 but come on, over a decade get with the program and update your netflix or blockbuster queue more often. But there are some movies, however, that are impossible to spoil no matter how hard you try. One of the more recent ones that comes to mind is Inception. That movie has so many twists and turns and such an indefinite ending that I could tell you the entire plot of the film and you would still be confused(but I'm not gonna do that though because 2 years hasn't passed, BUT WHEN IT DOES, prepare for some confusion).
As you've seen in the past couple of paragraphs I love The Internet Movie Database, and can wonder around that website for hours. But one think that's a little annoying is the message boards. Sometimes I might go there before I see a movie and look thru the message boards to see if it's any good but the chances of finding spoilers there is close to 100, even just in the titles of the messages. DON'T GO TO THE MESSAGE BOARDS OF A MOVIE YOU WANT TO SEE LOOKING FOR NO SPOILERS, because you'll find'em and then you'll be all disappointed about a movie being ruined. At least that's the way I would feel, since I try and see as many movies as possible.
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