Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Not today ghost

It's pretty obvious from the title that this is going to be a nice detailed explanation of the what the fuck moment that I experienced earlier, and the possible explanations for said event. So as I was laying around earlier watching Cops(or something just as mindless) my tv changed the channel without me touching the remote. I decided to google "when did tv's develop minds of their own?" to determine if other people might have had similar experiences. What I came up with was that the tv most likely changed the channel because of another infrared signal it received or something, but that answer was no fun. My tv had tried to infringe upon my ability to watch mindless television and it wasn't gonna get away with it that easily. Since it's a pretty old tv I can naturally assume that it doesn't have a mind of it's own(YET) so that could be stricken from my list of possible subjects for changing the channel. The next most logical choice of what happened was that a ghost was fucking with me.

So I'm just standing there(since I can't draw in paint at all) watching tv then all of a sudden

A ghost decides to show up and get all up in my business. Ghost properly labeled with a stereotypical "boo"

So at this point I'm getting pretty pissed because I know he's gonna fuck with something

Look at him just float/standing there

And then that's when the ghost obviously decided he hated Cops

My face at the end of it all

So that's why you can see that the most logical explanation for my television changing the channel its' self is because a ghost did it. A ghost that's a real jerk, hates Cops, and has no sense of awesomeness. Of course it's always likely that it was something boring like interfering infrared waves, but that's not as entertaining as the story that I just illustrated.


  1. After putting in the tags I realized it was probably Bruce Willis, what a dick.

  2. Where's the resolution?

    The title implies the ghost lost, but, did he?

    I want bloody closure.

  3. The ghost won, this time... but essentially it can be said he loses in the long run because he's dead.

  4. You lose in the long run because you're dead.
