Monday, August 2, 2010

Crentist the Dentist

I was gonna write this earlier when I had a dentist appointment but I felt like crap. I had to get a crown put on so like half my face was numb. The dentist came in with this huge needle and gave me like 3 shots in my mouth, my attempt to make any kind of expression had been thwarted. And then she starts asking me questions like how I'm doing, I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to answer questions when I can't talk(maybe hand signals or sign language), but since I know neither of those I was stuck talking with a weird lisp. Then the dentist will start asking you questions when they're messing with your teeth. I would love to answer your question about how my weekend was but for some reason I can't seem to move my mouth at all.

I'm not a big fan of the dentist, I think it's the fact that even when you're numb you can hear them working on your teeth. The sound just travels right up your jaw(makes me cringe just thinking about it), just think about that next time you're at the dentist.

Picture completely unrelated

Enough of that discussion of HORRIBLE THINGS. Instead I'm now gonna talk about how awesome the show The Venture Bros is. My sitting at home wallowing in my own pain allowed me to catch up on the first 3 seasons that I just bought on dvd. It's a smart show with a lot of action and comedy, GO WATCH IT NOW(and it's animated, BUT THAT SHOULDN'T BE A DETERRENT). Anyway, I think that's about all I can come up with for this post BUT THERE WILL BE MORE, OH THERE WILL BE MORE(tomorrow or the next day, and possibly with drawings, but no guarantees there.)


  1. Dentists are universally known for their insistence on talking with their near-incapacitated patients.

    One can assume this is because dentists are too socially awkward to maintain a conversation with a non-captive audience.

  2. Who wants to voluntarily talk to someone that's prone to ripping out people's teeth

  3. I love the dentist D:

    Probably because my teeth have been naturally perfect since birth. Well not really. I guess since they grew in. Either way. Guess who never had braces? That's right, bitches. ME! :P

    I do hate when they talk to me, though. Because every time I go in we have the same exact conversation.

  4. Even the losers get lucky sometimes?
