Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wait, what?

It's been a couple of days since I made a post and I attribute that to my laziness in combination with not being able to find a good blog topic. Yesterday I decided to watch a movie that I had heard about several times as being the most confusing movie ever made, Primer. Since I kinda made this blog as a way that I could review movies in the hopes that someone would read what I had to say I went back to that idea for this post. Alright now let's get down to business, and this review will probably contain spoilers but they won't ruin the movie because this is one of those movies that can't be spoiled.

"What happens if it actually makes sense?"

So the movie opens up on 4 guys working in a garage and someone narrating to them working. There's no explanation really as to what these guys do or why they're spending their time outside of work working. From this point on the movie only gets more and more confusing. I think that the movie was pretty well done for the meager budget of $7000, but the plot kind of throws me off the whole time I'm watching. I found myself second guessing what I had just seen and heard and actually having to go back a couple of times in order to try and figure out what exactly was going on. The movie turns into a film about time travel and clones but doesn't really explain too well how the whole system works. At the beginning of the film 2 of the guys go off on their own constructing some sort of box(that the audience has no idea what it's supposed to do) and it ends up being a cloning/time travel device. Don't ask me how the hell that happened because fuck if the movie explains it.

Overall, I've never really seen a movie like this before. I approached it because I was told that if I liked movies about mindfucks like Inception then I would like Primer. Well, Primer is way more confusing then inception and it definitely doesn't have the intense action sequences. I think I'd have to give Primer a 6/10. I mean I like the innovative idea behind the story but I don't like the lack of explanation and elaboration on why some of the characters did the things they did. I think it's a great first film for the director but definitely not one of the greatest films I have ever seen. Don't get me wrong, it will have you thinking about what you just saw for a while, but you'll probably never get a definitive answer.

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